My Intro

My photo
Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Real Name Steve. Once went to prison for a month. Now a full time carer. Part romany/part tyke. Father and Step-father, Grandad to 14 superb kids. Was an RMN. Was qualified Fitter, Was a Shop manager, Was a Warehouse manager. Was a retail assistant/floor fitter. was a plastics fabricator/glass fibre laminator. Was a Boat builder. The best job I've ever held is the one I hold now, caring for the woman I love and who has stood by me for these last 9 years.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

In the meantime!

Hi good people,

I am still around, but not posting for a while due to other priorities. I have however been informed that sections of this blog are being copied into certain a youtube channel, and that the truth of my comments are being challenged. No worries. If someone who knows nothing about my life or myself, unless it is something they have been told by yet another who doesn't know me, wants to show themselves up by doing this, then carry on.

I do not have to justify myself, nor my words here to anyone. I am simply using this space as a further therapy/exploration of my own changing feelings about my own life. Continue to read if you wish, make whatever cooments you like on your YouTube channel. I wont be reading them anyway.

This 'journal' will continue in my own good time as it is a personal thing, for my own benefit. However, to those that have given me positive feedback about this, some of whom are people I do not know, then please be welcome. To the one person who has used what little I have described, to start moving on from a long held grief. I am proud and humbled at the comments you sent me. Please do not lean too heavily on me though for my journey and yours will, needs must, be different.

Back soon.

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